Rotterdam, Netherlands | photo by David Marvier
The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride is a worldwide charity ride event for men’s prostate cancer awareness and research.
Each year motorcyclists everywhere pull out their custom and classic bikes, their Sunday best, and head out for a dapper meet up. The fellas at the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride wrangled up a huge collection of photographs featuring the participating women riders from around the world- illustrating the wide variety of motorcycles and dress involved in the event. The DGR has specific rules for participation- you must dress “Dapper”, and your bike must be classic in design (vintage, custom, or retro modern). The idea behind this is to elevate the effort of involvement and create a cohesive style across the planet. Distinguished riders are just that, and their debonaire outfits with shiny boots, classy coats, suspenders, and bow ties/scarves, create a spectacle for onlookers. Going through all of the images in this article, you’ll have a hard time telling that the photos were taken in London, Sydney, Los Angeles, Toronto… all over the place. (Photo captions include location and photographer information.)
With 37,257 registered riders on GentlemansRide.com across over 70 countries, nearly three million dollars (USD) was raised this year.

Zurich, Switzerland | photo by Christian Jung

Sydney, Australia | photo by Baptiste David
- Paris, France | photo by Laurent Nivalle
- Perthm, Australia | RSK Photography
- Phoenix, USA | photo by Alexandria Marlar
- San Francisco, USA | photo by Laif Gilbertson
- Zurich, Switzerland | photo by Christian Jung

Ljubljana, Slovenia | photo by Klemen Korenjak

San Francisco, USA | Shoot from the Hip Photography

Rotterdam, Netherlands | photo by David Marvier

Sydney, Australia | photo by Scott Hopkin

London, England | photo by Mihail Jershov
- Auckland, New Zealand | photo by Alpha Imagery
- Copenhagen, Denmark | photo by Thue T Petersen
- Copenhagen, Denmark photo by Claus Christensen
- London, England | photo by Mihail Jershov
- London, England | photo by Mihail Jershov

Bern, Switzerland | photo by Tim Loosli

London, England | photo by Nuttapol Phiriyawatkul
- Hamburg, Germany | photo by Emanuel Wenzlaff
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Kansas City, USA | photo by Andrew Park
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- London, England | photo by Sarah Elvin
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- London, England | photo by Sarah Elvin
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- London, England | photo by Sarah Elvin
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Los Angeles, USA | photo by Anastasia Petukhova
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Stacie B London in Los Angeles, USA | photo by Joe Cheng
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- New York, USA | photo by Geoff Barrenger
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Paris, France | photo by Laurent Nivalle
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Perth, Australia | RSK Photography
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Perth, Australia | RSK Photography
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Rotterdam, Netherlands | photo by David Marvier
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Rotterdam, Netherlands | photo by David Marvier
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Sydney, Australia | photo by Joshua Mikhaiel
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Sydney, Australia | photo by My Media Sydney
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Sydney, Australia | photo by Scott Hopkin
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Toronto, Canada | photo by Dan Lim
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Vienna, Austria | photo by Benjamin Zotter
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Vienna, Austria | photo by Georg Aufreiter
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Vienna, Austria | photo by Georg Aufreiter
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Vienna, Austria | photo by Georg Aufreiter
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Zurich, Switzerland | photo by Christian Jung
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Zurich, Switzerland | photo by Juampi Garcia
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
- Zurich, Switzerland | photo by Juampi Garcia
Ladies of the Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2015
I put on all my gear and took the Honda RC-51 out of the truck today… had some fun on riding on the salt flats. Set up my camera on timer for this shot… used my gloves for a tripod. ;P
Tags: cancer, charity, classic, dapper, dgr, distinguished gentlemans ride, event, events, international, london, los angeles, motoladies, motolady, motorcycles, real, retro, sydney, vintage, worldwide
Posted on November 13, 2015 in MotoLadies, News & Features by Alicia Mariah Elfving
That’s Sissi and me on the sidecar in Copenhagen at the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride 2015 🙂