Um, so the Honda RC-51 is a fun bike… no surprise there eh?
This year Julio Bustamante (juliobustamante.com, @boostamantefotos) was on deck with the sponsor-loaded step-and-repeat banner and camera to capture some of the Women’s Moto Show attendees. Thanks again Julio for coming on board and taking some great pics!
Having an exact number for total attendance is tough since anyone who tried to count just motorcycles gave up after reaching 600. Bikes lined both sides of the street (and down the center double yellow lines) a block in either direction from Lucky Wheels Garage… all the way to the freeway! That’s not including people who drove or took Uber/Lyft. We’re conservatively guesstimating a count of 1,500 total people. Considering I expected maybe 600 after last year’s 350-400… I can see why the LAPD ended up showing up thinking we were up to no good!
As you can see in the gallery below, every kind of motorcyclist came through the show! We had what seemed like every style bike outside, plus all ages of motorcyclists (and future ones too).
For those that bought raffle tickets, don’t forget to check your tickets against the posted winning numbers here! And now… onto the photo booth goods!
Coming up soon… full Women’s Motorcycle Show write-up, more photo galleries, and video!
Thanks again to everyone for coming. <3
Posted on January 16, 2018 in Events by Alicia Mariah Elfving